- Check for proper operation
- Inspect hoses and valves
- Inspect and verify safety switches
- Inspect suspension
- Level machine
- Check for oil & water leaks
- Check for proper temperatures and cycling
- Inspect belt, rollers, bearings and guides
- Clean lint build up from interior
- Inspect vent hose and clean
- Clean and inspect lint screen
- Check for proper operation
- Inspect door gaskets
- Verify temperatures
- Verify fans, dispenser, & ice maker
- Clean condenser coils
- Check water filter
- Check for water temperatures and cycling
- Inspect door seal and for leaks
- Verify proper detergent usage
- Inspect wash arms
- Inspect sump and drain system
- Check for proper temperatures
- Inspect surface burners
- Inspect door latch and vents
- Verify fan operation
- Level machine
- Verify magnetron
- Verify all lamps
- Verify turntable operation
- Program clock
- Door leak check